Sunday, January 30, 2011

Seek to Understand, Then to Be Understood

The statement may sound obvious, but from time to time we fail to exercise this. We often get blind sighted of what we want disregard what others have to say, and we become frustrated when others are not on board with our idea.  Understand begins with listening. There are five forms of listening: ignoring, pretending, selective, attentive, and empathetic; empathetic being most important. It involves understanding the other person’s frame of reference. In other words, the reason we get frustrated is because we don’t see things from another person’s shoes.

Family disputes happen on a day to day basis. Child wants something, parents won’t allow it. Or, parent commands something, child doesn’t want to do it. Child wants an iPod. Why? To feel accepted among his friends because to him popularity is important. Parent won’t buy him an iPod because they know the detrimental long-term effects of listening to music with earbuds. The two parties have their own ideas that conflict each other. But perhaps they can listen to each other out and find a middle ground and form a compromise. 
Everyone needs to be heard. Other than physical survival there is a great need for psychological survival; to be understood and appreciated.

My own disputes with my parents often can be avoided if we just listened to each other. Both of us could be happier, and accomplish more things. Instead sometimes I get caught up in wanting something that I don’t listen to them at all. At least now I try to see things from their point of view. Better late than never, right?

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